Meeting Pearls 4
Meeting Pearls Vol. IV (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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177 lines
nullmodem.device v2.0
(c) 1993 Iain Hibbert
nullmodem.device is a software device, that imitates
two modems and a phone line, on one machine. I wrote
it whilst looking at the WPL scripting language, so
that I could play around without having to spend any
money on expensive phone calls, but it can be used
for testing various other programs.
1. Installation
This archive should contain two files:
Copy nullmodem.device to devs:nullmodem.device, and Read NullModem.doc
2. Usage
There are 10 units available, connected in pairs (you will not likely
need more than one pair, but it was as easy to provide 5)
Unit 0 <=> Unit 1
Unit 2 <=> Unit 3
Unit 4 <=> Unit 5
Unit 6 <=> Unit 7
Unit 8 <=> Unit 9
Set up your Terminal/Mailer/BBS's to use one side each of the device,
you should be able to select a replacement for the serial.device and
alternative unit numbers easily enough in the software or config files. In
use, it emulates a simple hayes modem, with a limited AT command set:
D Dial
this command causes the other side to RING for the number of
seconds specified in S1 (Dial Timeout) and returns NO CARRIER
if there was no answer. Anything after the D is discarded
A Answer
attempts to answer the phone, returning the CONNECT message or
NO CARRIER if nobody was ringing us. Anything after the A is
S<r>=<v> set S register
<r> is the register number, up to 077 (octal)
<v> is the value to set it to, values 0-0377 (octal)
NOTE: both numbers need to be given in Octal
The S registers you can play with are:
# Description Default
0 AutoAnswer after # of rings 000
1 Debugging Level (see section 4 below) 000
2 Dial Timeout 020
3 Answer Delay 002
4 which Speed to report (section 3 below) 012
5 Backspace character value 010
7 which Protocol to report (section 3 below) 011
L List modem version information, and S Registers
Z sets the S-Registers to their defaults
ATZS1=1S4=5S7=7D123456 ; enable debugging, set connect message to
; CONNECT 2400/REL-LAPM-COMP (v42bis), and
; dial the other unit
ATA ; attempt to answer
3. Connect Speeds
The Nullmodem device doesn't have connect speeds as such, because it is
not connected to any hardware.. but the CONNECT message is configurable,
via a couple of S registers. Do not exceed the values given below, as you
will likely get a software failure.
Value Speed (S4) Protocol (S7)
00 none none
01 103 /NONE
02 V21 /SYNC
03 300 /REL
04 1200 /REL-MNP
05 2400 /REL-MNP-COMP
06 4800 /REL-LAPM
07 7200 /REL-LAPM-COMP
10 9600 /V32
11 12000 /ARQ
12 14400 /ARQ/HST
13 16800 /ARQ/HST/HST/V42BIS
14 19200 /ARQ/HST/HST/MNP5
15 /ARQ/V32
The connect messages may be different for each side of the device
4. Debug Levels
Debugging info is sent to the internal serial port at 9600 baud, or you
can use Sushi to print it in a console window, debugging levels are 0-2,
from 0 = No debugging info to 2 = loads of useless junk. 1 is probably the
most useful. If you have a modem on the internal serial port that you want
to use while testing, do not enable debugging unless you run Sushi..
5. Technical Details
The following device commands are not fully implemented:
CMD_RESET ; there is nothing to reset, I don't think
CMD_START ; these translate to XON/XOFF flow control,
CMD_STOP ; so you can't use that either.
SDCMD_BREAK ; if anybody needs this, let me know what you
; need it to do..
SDCMD_SETPARAMS ; there are no parameters to set
SDCMD_QUERY ; not fully implemented, it returns the number of
; characters in the buffer, and Carrier Detect,
; but nothing else
I have partly implemented the ASDG extension command (io_Command = 16),
ASDG_SET_CONTROL_LINES ; provides user control for RTS and DTR
; currently you can only lower DTR which
; causes the modem to hang up.
Note that the modem does not handle +++ATH type hangups, you must use
either the Commodore suggested method of closing the serial device for a
moment, or the above ASDG extension.
6. Copyright
nullmodem.device is (C) 1993 Iain Hibbert and it's freely distributable
as long as all of its files are included in their original form without
additions, deletions, or modifications of any kind, and only a nominal fee
is charged for its distribution.
This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied. Reading Legal mush can turn your brain to guacamole.
By using nullmodem.device you accept either the whole risk or the quality
and performance of the program.
7. The Author
Iain Hibbert UUCP: plunky@closet.wizdom.royle.org
FidoNet: 2:255/171.33
AmigaNet: 39:136/1.33
You should probably be able to reach me at one of the above addresses,
if you are using Comms software regularly. Please contact me if you have
any problems or suggestions. I do not guarantee to implement any
suggestions or fix any bugs, but it can't hurt to try.